Course Content
App Development Course (React Native)
App Development Complete Course Basic To Advance
About Lesson

Stack navigation in React Native enables you to move between screens in a stack-like structure. Opening a second screen from the first screen is a fundamental navigation pattern commonly used for workflows like displaying details or transitioning to another functional view.

1. Setting Up Stack Navigation

  • Install and configure the React Navigation library, including its dependencies like react-native-screens and react-native-gesture-handler.
  • Wrap your application in a NavigationContainer to provide the navigation context.

2. Defining Screens

  • Use a stack navigator, typically created using createNativeStackNavigator, to define screens.
  • Each screen in the stack is registered with a unique name and the associated component.

3. Navigation from Screen 1 to Screen 2

  • Use the navigation prop, which is automatically provided to screen components.
  • Invoke the navigate method with the name of the second screen to transition to it.

4. Passing Data Between Screens

  • Pass parameters to the second screen through the navigate method. These parameters can be accessed in the second screen via the route object.
  • Ensure proper validation and handling of received data in the second screen.

5. Best Practices

  • Keep navigation logic concise and avoid embedding complex operations within it.
  • Use descriptive screen names to avoid confusion.
  • Handle edge cases like invalid navigation attempts or missing parameters gracefully.

By leveraging stack navigation, you can create intuitive and organized workflows, improving the usability of your React Native application.